Bamboo Stool
Takematsu Shoten /
We designed a stool with a modern take suited to life today that utilizes the construction of the “tsutsumiisu”, a chair style that has been around in Japan for a very long time. The stool is constructed from bamboo; it is light, sturdy and easy to use, with a structure that is simple and logical in terms of chair shapes. It appears as though a line has been drawn in space through some bold kind of magic, depending on the angle from which it is viewed. When bamboo is dyed, its surface takes on a matt surface, making for a refined finish.
日本に古くからある「つつみいす」の構造を用いつつ、現代の生活にあったスツールをデザインしました。 竹でできた、軽くて丈夫で作りやすい格子形状は理にかなったシンプルな構造で、見る角度によっては太いマジックで空中に線を描いたように見えます。 竹は染めるとマットな表面になり、上品な質感に仕上がります。
Design : Kazushige Miyake, Kota Kato
Photo : Goichi Kondo